Bolton - Houston-Packer Collection BV824 .B65 1634

• Hegive~ wings to thofe golden Angels which have been Long cooped Hp in; cerner. q-he Saints fhort fpace, all a mans other wealth. As tf.Je Par– tridge laJeth egguwhichjheluztchethnot 3 faith Ieremie, be that gettethrit:hu, andnot by right}}hall leave thtut in the 11tirf deft of hi1daye.r, and at hi.rendjhaltbeajoole, Ier. I 7· t h Or it may fall our, that hetnay royle and tire himfelfe with muchvexation, andhearr-eating care, in greedily hoarding up riches, keepe them with much feare and trembling/ part from them with greife and, Temporalium anJorquantumafficit cttnih£retpojfefio) t a11.tum quu11t fobtrahitur)urit dotor, Gregor. anguifh :and, . x. Either leave them tothofe who will fet at li– berty and enlarge thofe golden heaps which have formerly bee~e confined and imprifoned, and fall: k-?pt with iron bolts and'barres, accprdirJg to that Prov. 2 8. 8. Hethat increafethhisrichesbyu foryandin– :e,-e.fl, and fo indeedbyanyunlaw,ft:lll meanes~ ga. 1 l:eruhfor hitJJ that will he merciful/to the pooreJ Pr(fl). 13.22. lob 37 I6,I7· , 2. Or after they may be fcatterett andconli1med· hy (hangers, or thev know not whom, according to that, Etcle[6.2 : Tl:ere it aneviltwhirh Ifawu?Jder t.:1esunne, and it ir much among men,: Ama?t tow.ho1n .Goibathgiven rit·heJ: "'·nd tYeafures, at~.l hottour . and IJe wanteth tJo!hint, for hitfouk ofall that ~t defrreth; b1tt God giveth hivt 1JOt power to thereof but a (trtt!Jge tn:tn jha/1 eat it up; _this is vanity, and this is. an evitt ficlznejfo. And chat P folfl!. lJ· 6.!e[. 4· 8. 0" 2. I g, I 9 , 3· Orrhevmaybrq•Ieat~ the~toth"trchildren, :and the cor(e of ill gorren Q;oods cleav1ng unto ~themJ thJmay melt awti.JititheirhatJal~fJIf?Jow before the