Bolton - Houston-Packer Collection BV824 .B65 1634

,. fe/fe .. inriching exami1Jation. 2 63. the Ntme ; according to that Ecclef. 5. • 3. There is an ev.:itl Ji' kteffi t l~at I havefeene under the S t:nneJ towit, richu rejel ved for hutt to the o»mers therecf, and thefe · richesperifo by evil/travetl, andhehtgettethafonne_ tind in his hiind is nothing. But howfoever~ whether ill l. gotren ~oods profper or profper not in the hands of the owner, or his pofierity; atfuredlyrh~plague . and curie of Goddoth cleave Qntohisfoule, and continually haunts and hunts that man todeihu– cHon, who enricheth himfelfe by wicked and w~ongfull meanes., except betime he repent fonnd– Iy, amend his life, and make refritution. Hee that hathoppre.ffed the pooreand needy, or.hath {p0yled hyvio– lence, or hath not rejlored thepledge, orhtJthgivenjo;th upon ufury, or hath t akf~t increaft, (the fame reafon \ isalfo ofall h1direct arcunlawfPil getting)}ballhe livelHeflrall notlive ,feeingh~hathdoneail t hefeabo11Ji– nation.t, he frail diethe death, atJdbiJ 6/oitdfl~atlbe upon him,E4.ech. 18, I2,I3· And rake this by the way, the more a man prorpers in his outward (rate, bx i1l gorten goods, the greatercurfedo~hfurelydeave unto his loule,and more fearefull vengeance abides him for afterward. -They and their pofieriry may profper, Pfol. 1 7. 14. but· marke the curfe that cleaves unto them, They are tJJtn of the world, and \. havetheirpf!T'tiofJ in tkiJ life.• And as a man is nor to provide for his family byany unlawfulJ,or indirett j meanes, neither is he to doe ir. thongh his meanes be jufr and_righr_, with a greedy, earthly, and eo– vermiSheart. I f aman take·nowickedcourfe tobe wealthy, but that his meanes bee warrantable , out of Gods Wotd, yet if bee goeabout ir wich a T 4 worldly