jelfe-mrzcbing 'r!xamznatton. , 1 16$ the wealth of the whole world. If·hee·beeaman that bathhisfweet linne frill ~eatuponby the Minifterieofthe vVord, but willbyn~meanes yeeld . and fubmit w the power thereof, for all theJUdgements. andcertaine vengeance .denounced againfl: him; .and be thereuponurged with thofe terrible places againfl: fuch men, Deut.29· ' 9)2o.Ifaman heare the wordt '·of thit· curfo, and hliffe himfelfe in hi; · 'he~t·rl) faying, 1fhalthavepet~ce~ &c. The Lord wilt not be mercifu!l unto that man, but then the wrath of the . Lord~ &c. Ier. I 8. I 1. spea~ thou therefore unto the menoflrtrlt~h, &c. Iprepilre IZ plaguefor )OU, and pnr.. . pofea thing agttinftJoll, ret11rne )tJU <t/m·efore every one , froflt bit evi!JWa.J) andmak,ryo11r wayes andJOUI' work.! good; buttheyfoiddefperatelj, fure!J wewillwat~ after ·~ our owne iftltaginatirJn.r, anddoe every manafter theftub– bor.nuejfolj hiuJJic~aheart,&c.' The;udgement fol– lowes, v~ 1 7. I willfc4tten them'witban Baftwindbefore . theenemie,Iwittfhew them the bt~c~and?Jot thefat;e inthe . day oftheir dejlntCiiot~. (\.ndPf. 59-s.standupo Lord · GodofHofts, thou GodofIfrael, to.viflt all the het~~then, aud:he ?Jot merti{HII111Jto them that offin~ .of malir;ious .· wi~~dm!fe.· If he be urged I faywith fuch places as tl11~e, .whe-reby itappeares,. that Goddoth in tpe– ciall manner, with particular wrath and iodign~tion, fet himfelfeagainfr them, whodoe wittingly and willin~ly goe on in {()me open; infamcms, and lewd courfe,·though tlileidl:ate be many times laid· open·to theirfaces by the Minifrery of the ,Word, : he will ~prefentlydhield hhnfelfe W;th that much I abufed·andwrefred place which is ufually read be._ · for~ confeffion> A.t wlJ~tt #mefoever;. &c~ - .takenout; - oF ·