Bolton - Houston-Packer Collection BV824 .B65 1634

Rom.3,I3· z: 'G ' Ptr"ms · r:une ofmU:ftardfccd. 'The SaintJ ot Ezech . t 8. :u, ~ 3. But if wee frriouily ccmfider the conditions neceffari1y required and exacted by God on the tinners part, they are well able to coole– the courage, and fiop the current of any obfiinate prefumptuous wretch, rhat there. fore in.the meane time goes on in his firme, becaufe G.o<;l is merdfull ~t any time; The ph1ce runs thus in the Text, and requ~res this condidon ~ If thewickpl wilt returne fromallhi.r.fim that hee bath comuJitted,, andkgepe a'tmy ftatutu, anddoe that whichis lawful!andright ~ hejhatt furely liveand]halt nut die : Allhis t'ranjgrejionr,&c. Hence it appeares plainly, tharif a man will chal– lenge any right part or imereft in this preCiouspro– mife of gra-ce and mercy, hee mull: leave all his finnes, and kee;pe ail Gods fhltutrs, for thefe are principles laid downe in the bdt Divines in the doctrine of mortification. 1. Firlt, a man can have no peace in his confci– eoce, that favoureth and retaineth any one finne inhimfelfeagainfthis confdence. :z. Amanisina damnable efiate, wharfoever'good deeds feeme to beinhim, ifheyeeid nottotheworkeof theho– JyGhofr, for the leaving but ofone knowne finne, \\-hich ti;;hreth againtl: the peace of confcience. ~· So long as the power of mortiticatioh de– firoyerh thy fin full affetl:io.ns as they rife, and fo 1oRg as thou artunfainedlydifpleafed wirhali fio, and dofi ntortifie thedeeds of the body hy t~efpirit; thy cafe is the cafe of falvation. 4· Every Chrifiian fbould carry in his heart a confiant and refolved purpofe nor to finne in any thingJ for faith, and the purpofe offinning can ne– ver fiand together. . 5~ A