(ulfe.-inricpi~g exa~nination. 2.6 7 5. Agood confcience fiands not withapurpofe Balme of Gi· of finning, no not wirh an irrefolmion againft tead, p37· firne,Pfol. 1 19. I. Thefe and the like fayings which , to carnall eares rafteof toomuch fl:r:ictneffe and feverity,. fpring and have their ground and warrar t from this p1ace 3 in the Propher, which is fo mud~ and fearefblly abufed by a prophane and unhal· lowed interpretation, to prefHmprion, fecuriry, and defperare continuing in fin ne : For toap impartiall and ftncere underftanding the (enfe is deare, and rJ.e place pregnantly fhewes, that if _any inan would have his firmes pardoned, his heart purged, himfelfe .pofletfed of the bleffings of · grace, and rir,ht to-the creattJres , he muf1not leave fo much as his f\veet finne nnmGrtifi ed,uncru!hed) and uncaft out, hee mufl: returne from all his fins; nay, and befides he muft keepe all Gods fbtutes. Then fbou!d I not beeconfounded, faith David, when I Pfai.u 9 .p.6. ht:verefpelf unto aUthyContmandementJ. Though we cannot perfectly apd exactly in the ftate of morta· lity·fulfill the law ofGotf, yet all rha.t are fancti- · fied'and Gods true fervams, with fincf.'lrityand fin- ~leneffe of heart, .refpefr> fcare and ohey aii his Commandements.Ifthou then upon this ground , whofoever th~uart 1 deferre thy turning tmtoGod uutill thy deaths· bed, lob 2 7.8.9. ro. reil mee then . how thou performefi the condition, and le:lVefi all thy finnes , for then then they leave thee. ~1ttarefo, - A e><:. ug. tom. 1 o. curuse.r?quiaegifli pcenite~ttiam; eo tempor~ 1110 &pecp11g.615. care potm(ii: Si flut :pt vis ttgere pce~itentiam., ipfam t.unc quandopeccarenonpotes peccata te diu.·iferunt) nun . tu ilia. Andwhat fj:>ace fhalt thou have to.purchafe ' ~--------------~------------~c~o_m_fi~or~t-·-------~-. 1;