Cf"he Saints - - con.J.6rc byKeepingaU Gods ~ramres, when t JOU- . art prefently going to judgement, for thy many breaches of his Lawes) ·and rebellions tohis Maje– fl:ie ? Thus I have given you a tafte, how the for– mall Profeifour, whohath nomortlfication, doth u~/to - fhift by difl:inctions, exceptions, excufe~ carnall limi~ations! falfe Gloffes, oppoiipg _one place ofScnpture In hts owne fenfe, agamft the true meaning of another, and the like. Anda~ hee doth frill opp, fe againfr the power ofGods truth inonepointorother,(efpecially that which fitikes at hisfweet finne) eirher by prefeffion; opinion, or praC\:ife, or in ·all, orat leafl: in 'the laR:, fo com– monly,you fhallever finde him not fo welhi1fet!ed to that holy part of divine truth, which thunders out Gods ;ufr judgement againfr tinner~, and · therefore his applaufe and voice ever goes with thofe Prophets who crypeace, peace, and which fill the.eares offooles with fpirituall flottteries, and frand all upon pardonJ mercyandcompaffion~ ,but as for them .that deale faichfnlly with GodsWord, and feelit1gly with mens confcienccs, whd~epcno– thittgbachgfromthemfJfa!l thecouttfellofOod, but fol– low the right method of faving fotdes) (ariflified by the holy fpirit, and practifed ·by .the Prophets_, ApofH ~s, andall Gods faithfull Minifret·s, whiCh is firft towoun~and bmife by the terrours of the Law) and then feafonably ropowrein~he foftand Cavingoyle ofgrac_e ; ·I fayhis heart an~_affed:ions are not toward fuchas thefe. becaufe he ts not wil• lingto he~reof plagues and j.udgemenrs for finne; he is fetled and refolved upon a plodding forma!l ., ':· · courfe, , '