Bolton - Houston-Packer Collection BV824 .B65 1634

I ~1' . . . . .. - . -· . fit:a\( t. n t 'Wll..tC g, OUfld, what warrant is there }or~ : (uchdaubiitg~ with [uchuntemperedmortet? or wha.t good comes therby to theparty?orcomfor·~ eo the Preacher ? Qh! could we heare now.thofe wofull crie$ and yellings which many forlorneand dam:– ned fouleswill cafi·_upon the facesoftheirfairhletfe Teachers, at '.that lafi: .1nd · dre~dfull day; teHing them that thetr p1ea6ngpreachmg hath-beene the ·cccafion to bring them -into_ the.pit ,of Hell, that their daubing hath beene the caufeof r.heirdam– ning &c. then would wechangeonr minds, and b~ befr pleafed wirh the mofr fearchin'gSermons~ . Suppofeaman in danger and doubt about the fhite ofhis Lands) ibould come to a Lawyer toreceive information and infl:mfrion thereabouts, and he peruftng and fearchingthorowJy his wririn.gsand evidences, and finding them very uniOund,. and his title' and claime unto them very infufficient, yet nptwithf.tanding tels him, becaufe hee will not cafl:,him downe forth~ prefent, and difcourage him, or rather becaufe he hopes rogaine byhim, that his .caufe is goodenough, his tide found, his right Unto them with<>Ut exceptions, and fo dif– miffeth him ·with much joy, hope, and comfort; her.eupon he followes a long and tedious fuit>with good ·cosfideftte, and hope~ull expectation ,; .bur when all comes to all, and the matter to the trull, his titles prove fiarke naught, and fo he·dothnor onelytofe·his·lands, buraliOhis whole flocke, and ~11 hisothergot)asar.eqnire and Lfrinecdfatilyfpenr upt}n a rG.tren caute : J)de youihinke fudi dea.Iin~ ·as·thiswQuldornake any.thibg,· eirher foi .ihe credit · · ,.., -· of