Bolton - Houston-Packer Collection BV824 .B65 1634

fclfe~~inriahing exatNination. 1. 2. 7J --~------~----------------~-- - of theLawyer~ or the COlllfOrt'of the Clfent r Had it not brene better for both fides there had beene faithfull and plaine dealing at firfr ? Or imagine one ficke of a confumption fhould come unto a Phyfitiall, ·and defire him ro tell him truly what he , :rhoughtofhis'difeafe,whether it were recoverable or iucurable, if the re were no hope that he might prepare himfelfeforanother world) and compofe his foule religioufly for Heaven;If it were curable that he might fer himfelfto a courfe·ofPhyfick,and hope for his former health ; and he knowing from infallible grounds and rules of art} that there were 1 . , no pdtfibility of recovery J yet to pleafe him for the 'pre.fent,..and tomake·wayfor his owne advantage, tels him there ii nodoubt to be made, 13ut.he may . · recoverif hewill be at the charge ; whereupon he fpends all·that bee hath upon the Phyfitian, and goes thorow muchanguifhand paine,anda~ lengrh whenall isgone, both body and fubfiance fucked dry, hee is uncomfortably left t0 the pangs of death, and rhecertaine period ofhis long and un– _neceffary languilhing. Had it not beene better thinke you for the confcience and Cbrifrian repmtati0n of the Phyfitian , and both for foule , body and goods of the patient 3 that the tru.rh had beene told at thebeginning? It is fo in the rrefenr cafe about fpirituall ·matters ; mens fpiriruall efiates are to be difcoveredhv . heMinifieryof' the Word, the foundnelfe or fan ine1fe of theirhope~ for Heaven mufr there appeare. It is rhepart ana office.of the Minifrer, out of the Law and Booke of God, to refolvemenof the right or rottenndfe V _of . I