lfai. 38· 8. MatfJ. :.~.1o. ~he Saints Jure and marke of a man that is truly rdigious,r:o goe forward,arid encreafe in grace and underfranding: Hee mu£1 be like the Sunne, which, riling in the Eafr, enlargeth his glorious light andheat,umill' he reach the height ol .Heaven. But,as onewelt , notes; the true Chrifiian muft not be like He.. zekiahs Sunne, which went backward; If a- man back-fiide, waxe worfe, and fall away from good beginnings, he addesweight unto the wrath of God, and doubles his damnation: Hee rnufl: not be· like Iofhullhs Sunne, that fiood ftili. I-t is fo· farre to Heaven, and the way fo narrow,fo rough, and full of dangers anddifficulties,that he which ftands at a fray, will light fhort : The ·Bride– groome will be entred in, and the Gate fhut, be– fore he come. ·Hee that bath fo mt1chgrace,that ·hce defire.s no more, did nevertrulydeiire any: And he tlJat endeavours not to be better, will by · Hrtie and little growworfe, and at length become fiarke napghr. He therefore mu!l: be like Da'tfids . Sunne,that great andglorious Gyant of~he Hea-· vcns ,that Ji ke aBridegroome comes out ofhit Chamber, and as aChampion re;oyceth to runne his Race. One grace in Gods child, begcts another ; and one holy aQ:ion, performed with ftnceritie of heart, , cloth inflame his affeaions with love and zeale, with courage.and refolution,to undertake moe, and to goe through-fi:itchwith all the affaires of God, and good caufes. For he alone knowes the invaluable worth, and inefHmabie price of hea– venlY, Iewels·; and rherefbr~ he is ravifhed with r,heir beautie,andgrowes unfatiab.1e·in his defires · and . f