Bolton - Houston-Packer Collection BV824 .B65 1634

.... ' } . . ··T . ' -~ ,, 'The Saint1 of their tit-le" andintereft, to that everlafting inhe– ritance above. Nowwhether is better thinke you, both fo~ the confci<~nce andcomfQrt of the·Mini– fret, and theendlefteg~-of th~ hearers,. that he fhoulddealefaithfi.Illy in this weighty and impor– tant point-;, that heJhould tell the formall Prof~ffou,r, and luke-warme Chrill:ian, that except hee coflleon to theforwardneffeofthe Saints ofGod, and embrace_their fincerity, the Lord will mofr ce(tainly[pew hint fJI(t of hit tnoutb ••_)Thedvil11ho.:. neft man, that if,beondy,content himfelfe t~ere>o> with,. there are many ofche.Heathens more honell -, · thanhimfelfe already in the fieryLa-ke ; ~ t~e•f • kard, the coverous, and fo other notorioms fm.- . ners, th 1t t!Jeyjhalt nev~r inl.~trit tkKingJU.ine o{Ged 5 - · that fo by the mercies of God J if they belong unto GqdJ they niay fi1ffcr the Word ofLife to·· . finke, into. their ;.inward ·fooles, to fatten their . hearts_,' to taaCI:ifie and fave both their bodiesand · · foules. 1 fay s whether-is ·ir bette,r for-aMinifter -thus to ·deale faithfully in rhe,holy -bufindfes-of ,God, ~nd plainly wirh men in fo high~n€1woigbry r point, as ~he endlefre damnation an(! lalvarion of . their 10ule~, I#UJ forri?Jg pillo~es undertheirelhi!Wu~ ··. ey,mmgpeact~· peMe, ~DJ preachingpleaft»g(Jfit/jltJtle•; . riog. -thmgs.. put rhem into aJoolrs Paradife, and groundleffeperfwafion or tJ,efonndneffe ·oftheir . f11>lriruafl efrate; when indeedand truth there is m) fuch matter: Sotharwhr~ rhe dayof·triatlcomes,. Comt <;, alfoHPo ,-t fremJt~ddeade{lntl'lion., ,fll trnAile11p... : llltt.wtJmttn 1¥'ith .hi!de 11fd theylhllll 1JIJt efo4pe; and then they Iofenoconely their foules, and anevfr•· ____ . . . . · . lafting .. '