Bolton - Houston-Packer Collection BV824 .B65 1634

- 'The Saints would you have when there is no peace towards hut ?Joifo.~ and tremh/ifJj, ofgarment! in b/01td'J andour~ ning) anddevouring offire l What peace? while ma– ny cryingabomin~tions, as grinding the[ace1 of the poore, U~ury, Dri.mkenne~e, S~eariqg, Unclean– netfe, Ignorance~and thehke~wuh brazen browes, and whorilh fore-heads, ev-en our-face the Sunne and rebellioufly band themfelves againfi: the Ma~ jefi:ie of Heaven. Ifyou would not heareof your Gnne$ continually, continue not in .Jour finnes . inworlqlinetfe, uncleaanetfe,Iuke-warmneife,pro: phanenelfc, and prophaning Gods Sabbaths, &c. untill rhedeadflef.h be confum~d, corrafives mun: bee applied ; while finne reignes it mufi bee reproveJ. · . · If the Law bee dHl:all:efull untoyou, rear and breake your frony hearts, that they may be fitted for the precious oyle of grace, ·and comfortable promifes of theGofpelL Was it not unfeafonable · forIfoiah in his time to cry woe againfl: Indofers, Woe uitto them "tf:JJt j!J)ne houfeto houfe, andlay jleldto field) &c. chap. 5· 8. Agd11ft: carrowfers, Woe unio the-,wtfoat are mighty to drink§ wine, atJd to-them that areftrong topowreinftr()ngdrin~,chap.5· 2 2, Againfr the proud and the drunkard, fVoB tQ the crow1Je of pride, the drHn4ards of Ephrt~itn, for hi1g[orio111 bealt– tyjhaUhe afodit~gftowre, &c. chap.:z8. r. '1heyfhti/Jbee– troddmrmder foot, even the trowneatJdtheprideof the ,drutJk._ardsof_Ephraim, verf.3· Was it notunfeafona– ble forEz~chiel to telf his people, that ifany drji!ed· hi111eighbours wift:, opprejfed th~ poore ana:f}eet/y, gtJVt fortlntponufory, or took§ i?JCreafe, hejhouldnot live, but Jhollld: /