folft;,inrt~hitJg e,xamination. 177 fhould die the dettth, andhit hloud{ho11/dbee uponhim, chap. ·18. Was ic not nnfeafonable for JerefiiJ ro threaten Ierufa!em immediately from Gods owne mourh, that iftheywouldnotJanl1i/ie theSabbathday, the Lord woHid kifJdle afire in thegatu thereof, atJdit fhoHit.i devoure thePalacesof Ierufote.'IJ' a11ditjhoutdnot bequenthed, chap.I1.27· Was it not unfeafonable for Zephanieeopronounceawoeagainft the pollu· tions of his time, the contempt of rheVv'ord_, tqe craelty of -great men, the lewdneffe of the Prophets; Woe, faith he] toherthat 'isfilthy eruell citie, fhe heardnot thevoice)fhe nceivednot corre&ion, fhe trufled not i11the Lord, fhe drew not neare to herGod. · Her Princes within hel' are as roaring Li n.r, herJudge~ -arefZI Wolvtsin theevenisg,wbit:hkave not the honu till rhemtJrrow.HerPrephetlarelight andwickgdper{ons_her PriejlsiJavepoUHtedthe SanliMJY), t/Jghavewreftedthe Law, Zeph. ~· Was it not unfeafonable for Malachie to bring the words of God to his people; I -wiU Cl)fJJe neareto you to jt~dgemetJt, atJd_ 1will be afwift witnef.Te agahJft the Sooth-fo;err, andagainft theadulterers, andagainft folfe fr:vearerr, andagainft thoje that wrongfully kgepe bdc~ thehirelings wages) attdvex thewiddow ani/. the fotherleffi>cnd~heftranger) and ftt~re not -111ee, faithrheLordofHofls, M~tlach.3·S· V\: as it not un· feafon3hle for Saint lames to tell hard hearred men, t'hat thete]hall be condemn.ation ?JJtrcile!ft to hi'!l that f /hewethnot mercy,chap, 2.1- ~. T(l bidrich menweefet~nd, horde, for their miftri_et tlatjhall come upon them,.cl4p. 5· r..For Salnt P~ultotell wantons, thatwhorimon geuand.adultere.rJGodwilt 1udge, Heb. 13·4..- ,To .tell I thofe that doe the .works o~the .-fle_fh; fqc\1.asare V 3 utJcle+mttlj/e, .) -