Bolton - Houston-Packer Collection BV824 .B65 1634

'The Saint~ 1tndeamteffe lr~n~QnejJe, hatred, t~nd fuch likgj}¥tJ they fhalt n-ot'inherit theKingioqJeojGod, 6al.5. To«:ell · the ignorant rhat theLordlefMwiltfteJJJhimfelfofron; Heaven with hit tnighiJ Angels, iftf/au;ingpre, :&e. 2 Th.if. r. 8. To tdJ aU propl:lane men .torheiriaces, that unto,them that ·are contentiou1, and difob.ey the truth.! andtJbey unrighteouf~fle foa!t he-i.~digtJationaJJd wratbJ tribut .tion 11ndaNguijhfhalthe upoN the foule of e'l:ery man that dothevilt, ofthe rem jirji, attdalfoof the Grechtn. Rom.?. 8,9. \Vas icn.0t liar un!eafooable for rhcfeble!fedmen of 8od in their times todeal,e rhus faithfu'lly wir:h Gods people., wirh whom theyhad to . dGe, or publi!hh~gunto themt~ewhole . co1tnfll!ofGod, amd his jull: decrees againl-t ,their hatdilll Gnnes, that fothey might .doe ~heirhefr todri v~ themuntoGod,and beef~re tofree their owne foules from the guilt of thehloucl of foolesr : And fhallnot the fame holy pracHfeof Gods Mi·-' niftersbe feafoBable now inthete rimes.,,efPedal.. ly- when Hnae is a thoutind dmes ·more firtfull? For our rimes have recei·ved all thep.ollutiomand ~bominadons which rhe courfeandcurrent of all former ag€·Shave carriedinro·rh6finkeoffi~whkh ' . ~s"nowatooufand time·Smore full :(ltui filthy than 1 ever it was before. ·There was never 'more and ' more cruell ind#ng, never more andmore ha~efult Cat~owfl11f , never more .and more abominable Pride, 0 ppret1ion,cornaption in 'lll E!hres, Ufu.. ry, Dmnketmeffe_, Unclean.neffe, Mercilefneffe to– the poore, Ignorance in rhe .common people, conteql~t: oftheMinif\ery,inaword,therewasne- , ~ermoreHellNpbnEarth, neverfo:large aharveft · · · - for: