Bolton - Houston-Packer Collection BV824 .B65 1634

2.80 TheSaints be new borr:1e,without the pangsot the new birth . &c. wretched Minifrers,who either for want. _of skill, ·of courageorconfcience, that·they may pleafe_, be plaufible, or fdr preferment, foorh men . · up in their finnes, either by filence, or preaching pleafing things, whereby they futfer them to pe· rHh in their finnes!l and themfelves are guilty of the bloud-of their foules, Ezech. B.. ' · Some faid:, a Divine call thofe that open ·the Law., and denounce j\idgement, Engliih Doctors, ·and the moft infufficient agents Chrifr ewployes in .his Minifl:ery : Bnt they are indeed the mofrglo– rio~s and magnificent workmen that Godexerci~ · feth in his Harvefr ; forbyaffrightingand afioni- ·: thing the conferences, they may recall men from tbeir evill courfes, and from the jawesof rhe De-– vW, by bege.tting in them remorle and true for– row for finne, and preplre them for falvation, and the glory which is to be revealed. _Thus have lla.rgelvhid downe the humour and pracrife of the farmaU Profelfor, when his deceit– full heart is difcovere·d by the light of divine truth;,. ,-1,d hce is prelfed with the power of the VVord; againfr his fweet finne, or that m<Jineworldly con– ,tenement, upon which hee barb inordiaately re– pofed his heart, affefrions and chiefe deli~ht : He is rdolved not to part with it, (neither indeed canJ untill it pleafe the Lord foundly to convert· him. and thorowl y to fanfrifie him) and yer-be– .caufe heem1kes confcience of fome of his wayes, ·goes for an honefr m1n, is good inmany things, he would,not willingIy for one default forfeit al1 his other