Bolton - Houston-Packer Collection BV824 .B65 1634

Jelfe ..inricbing examination. orher integrities;-he is borh ro-Iofe rhebenefitand reward·t>f the rdt of ~isgoodneffe, and therefore he ftraines the urmofr veine of his wit>to devife tOme thift by fiifHnfrion, limitation, exception, falfe gloffe) private and pardall interpretation, op– po.fin~ in a wrefred fenfe one place of Scripture· againit another, or the like, that fo he may blunr · the point of the fword oftheSpirit, le!r by woun- – ding and ·vexing hisconfcience too much, hee be di!turbed and difquieted in t-he enjoyment of that fenfuall contentment, in which hischiefe worldly happineffe dothconfifl: : He fnatcheth greedily at _. every fhadow and colour ofexcufe, that hee may . fame wav comfort his heart againfl: rhechecksof · his ~on!C_knce , a'1d .with more hearr~-eafe walke l' on m a fooles Paradtfc, towards the ptt of dearu– ction, and endle fie ~oesof another wo~la. But if\ he cln finde nofraytmg .hole from. the hghr of the I Word; nor furntili btrnfelfe wtth any plaufible I lbift or excufe (for this cunning befals butfew, and .I thofe of better underfiandiJJg, and more policie) why then tliisishiscourfe; he furfeu fo immode– r-ately, and·drinks fodeepeofrhe fenftia!l pleafures ofthathofomefinne, to which hee is fbwedded; that he ca{h his confCience afleep,and fOgoes on at all adventures, apq tbfroweii 'himfelfe upon Gods - mercies, witho:1t an groundor-warrant, w~h fuch conceits a$. thefe, that he hopes he iliall doe as welt 2sothers, who are farreworfe-than himfelfe; rhat- . God n9 donbt.._villbe metcifuHtoone finne; that– all his othergood'parts andgobddeeds\villcoun.. tervaileandmakeamendsfororieinfirmity, (for!0 · . - . lie.: / ' ·"