Bolton - Houston-Packer Collection BV824 .B65 1634

. - .....- ...- L. The.SaintJ ·he will call it and conceiv~ of it, though it bee a ; groffe and grievous finne), that one finne wiJI not ' · ·· require fo great repen ranee J but that it maybewdl i enough done tlpon his death-bed, and fuchlike. . Toconclude the whole point; theformatl Profef- · for with his temporary faith, doth ever fing Nt~a~ mattsnote ; B11t thereht the Lord ht? 11rercij11!1unto t/ 31 fervant; that is, in ~his or that fweet fi·nne, in one carnall contentment or other, which hee ·cannot leave, he will not forgoe : Perhaps he is no Swea– rer_, no LyerJ no Adulterer, no Drunkard ; he is a ·freq11enrer of Sermons, a favourer of the Minifiery, anddothmany things thereafter; h11t as for Ufury, his efrate tlorfu much depend ·upon it, hee knowes not otherwayes how to provide for his I childre~:~ the Lord be m:rcifullnntohim in -that pomt. Perhaps he 1s no Ufurer,ne Opprdfor, nor outwardly infamouswith any notorious finne, ' · bur as for the fenfuall pleafl1res of uncleannetfe, and Iufrfull fweetneffe of whoredome and forni– cation, and adulteries of the hear-t,_they hurt no body but himfclfe~ and <':re fOinbred and naruraU, the-Lord mull: bee me:rei full to him in that point. ·Or it may bee hee is not fo hauntecl with noyfome· lufi:s, or much giventoan.y outwardgrotfe finne, ·but asfpr a frrifrcourkof holindfe whichPreci11ons tak~, that hee cannot digefr, henmft n0wand tmen fpencf h:s time amongft good fellewes., hee· koo•.Ves ·riOt otherw1£e bow to p~'le the time . nor· r.o p< h~ f{umps:-~nq, m~h.~~holy,.theL(:)f;d . · rriu(l: be·mercifnll eohim ie that poi~t::. . . ' ·_t~us, -~hoqgh o~~tv~l'dly hee :make fa-ire.: fhew,_ , y~