Bolton - Houston-Packer Collection BV824 .B65 1634

i86 J . .. 'The Saints ' - 3•. 1n his Body : That is, his eyes, his eares, fiTs ~ tongue) his fecr, his hands, and all the parts there– of ; As before they have beene windowes to let ' in whole troops of vanities andnoyfome 1ufrs,in– frruments of iniquity, and executioBers of many · covetous, cruell ambitious,· anq Iufifull deligne.. ments of the foule, fo now they are become as Centinels to difcry the approach of finne ; well appointed addrefr todoe thewill of God ; fer apart and fancHfied for the fervice of theNewMan. The whole bod}r,which 6efore was a cage ofa!bmcledne birds, aadafi,,;kfofjin?Je, is nowbecome a ipiriruall Temple for the living God; andan habitationfor :theho!J Ghoft. . . z.As a found and faving coverfion is ever with in– tegrity ofail the powers both offocrle and body ; fo it is altO with Gnceri~y the inmofi affe– ctions,as in the ourmofr converfation; in the heart . as in the life-; in the fecret pnrpofes> defires, and . conceits, · as in op{n carriage; in the thoughts and imaginations, as in thewords and actions. The deflreof the righteous ,faith sa!omun,i.rone!ygood) Pro. I 1. 2 3. 0 Iem[a!etJJ) faith Ieremie, wdjh thinehMrt[ro1n wickgdneffi, that tbot~maifthefaved; how lotJg fha!t thy wickgdthoug/.1/i re!?;ah;e wi;bit; tbe-e? {hap 4 1 4· Whe?J theirheart1, (aithPaut of the Ifraelites,foa/1 beet~trnedtothe Lord, tbr:ttfhevai!ef/.ta!the ta/(gnaway, z Cur. 3·' 5, r·6. The heartmuft be fancHfied, beforewe can favingly fearch intothewo,;ders~[God,Lan'Jand fecretsofhi~Kingdom,though the mindbe as full, as the Moone wirh variety ilnd depth ofknow– ledgc;yet_ except theheart be thorowlyheated and foftned