Bolton - Houston-Packer Collection BV824 .B65 1634

folfe#inricbitlg examination: . 1 '--- . 5. : To the profpering ofa tree, which is fofttJed l hy theRiversofwater, Pfal. I. where there being con- ,tinpall fupply offap and moifiure,itfairelygro~es, ' ·<1nd never faHes of fruit in duefaafon. So after a man be tranfplanred out ofthe Kingdome of c arkneffe J i?Jto the ho!Jfi ofGod, there itaRiver,whofejlre/Jttlet rvi'l glad his heart, and feed him fiill with me fap of grace, a111d fpirituall Jif~, untill at length hee bee happilv brought to taft:e that tree of life: and im– mortality, whichis planted ~J t·he pureRiverof wa– teref lift, rPhlchproceedeth outof thet~Jro,;e of Gpd, ,;;m{ of the Laf!Jbe. T.he righteou.r, faith David p.,att flourifh ; like_a Pc,{metree, aadfhaltg~owlikga redar in LebanM~, . Pja/.92. suchaslfeplantedinthekoufeof the L@rd)ha!l :fl:;t~rijh ittthe CourtlofourGod,tl;r:yjhatt fii!!brittgfortb fr!!it i?J theirage, the;foal! befat anciflourifhing. Bur b,, tl1e wavyou mufhmderltand, th.~ t for all thisthe childeof God, and rhe~rneconvert , ha ·h his in– firmitiesandfaincin~s, he may frnmble., and fametimes ra:kea fall iwhfq'ate gf Ch 1 ifiianity, hee mav nowand then be lhie'i;vdly fh;1ken withfome ftor ' e ofternpt~tioi{ and have his light fame– time darkned with the frallties of his owne ftefh, butconceivea1fo) (rhoughirbee,a ~Vtyfieryto the fttanger, aJ?d'Para~l~ tothe propbane) tbat even thefe things further the growth., and irlcreafe fpi– ritual ft~en~th in afanctified man. Thai God th~tt bringslight 011~ {Jf d~~k{;ejft, wl!Jn~s him glo_ry out ?f · qell, an~_};lO!l~t;t~fcom ·Satan.; turn~s ~lf~ thefrat_l- .ttes~pa ;nfirmtues ofthe Samts to th~ comfort.of t~e~r fot~es)," anci tbejr increafitient' in grace, .'by workingthereby·itfrnetna gre-ater hatred of their X 2 , finfla~l '