'The SaintJ - - --- ·.• .. , linfull corruprio~s; more earneft longings forrhe ( omforrs ofgodlmetfe,more refolure zeale in ll:an– ding.for GodsglGlry, to makeamendsfor their for– mer.f.dl ; more. narrow watchfuJneife over·their , waycs for afi:erward~. .A fl:rong manmay fall into 6c.~ of an.Ague, b!Jl afrer-he hathr-horowly reco· \lCred, he Gull finde himfelfe ll:ronger, and .in bee.:. terhealth. _He that runnesiaarace maytakeafall , bur he looksbetter to his footing; and runnes fall:er afcerward ; tbeSunne may fOmetimes beovercaf\: with a_cloudo but .it ihines mere plcafantly and ' bdghdy, ;after it hath recovered a clcare Skie againe. Atrr: ebath it-s Winter, butit then gathers ffrengch and life, that it may fpreadandfprout ~ut mor.e fairly and fruitfully in the Spring time : le is even fo by accident, and bv that grace of God, 1 which. turneJ' aft thbtgs to,the heft to. them thatfear~ h'im, in t h.:- ftls and infirmities Gf the Saints•.For: they ar:e thereby more fc:tred and frayed from .theLures ~nd bairs of finne, 1av furer andfrronger:hold up.. on the crowne of life, an~ q:mvert tlfe poyfon of rhei.r, naturaU -corruption, into a prefervati ~ e ro keepe them in the wayes of God. Satan intends to 6':>i1e himby the fall ;bqt it fare~ withbim.in this cafe, as if fome defperate wretch fhould furionfly nmne·atanotherman wit:hhis fword ,and diq,ar;ch him quire, bur quite·againfl: hispurp0fe, hee_.mif- . fe,·h the vitall p4rts., ani hirs onely fo~eJmpo"'! fiume, . fo Jetting out. that fguJe ~nd payfo~ous ~ matter, .which would. orh~rwHe, have beene his dearh. ,At .thf' throw of· e~ery flerv d~rt, S,1ran defir.es to wo~nd the foule to .death., but ·Gnds ~ · childe .\