(tlfe;..inriching examination. childe either takes it upon thejhieldoffaith, and fo defeats his fury, and declinesrhehurr, or if by the treacheryofhis owne flefi1 it fail:enupon him, and .vex him fora while, yet being pulled cut by tbe hand of true repentance, it drawes after itfome foule corruption, which otherwife would have dangeroufly rankled and fefrered inwardly. This pointisapearlenotforfwine, orany prophane man) forfoitwillbetrampled itJ tbe mire, and ptrhaps minill:er occafion and encouragement to bee more ! ji!tbyftiU; bur onely for him that knowes thewayes of God, and is learned in the great myllery of godlinetre, hee knowes the worth apd right ufe of it, afld is not wont to abufe the rich mercy and grace of God , to a graceletre prefumption and · boldneff~ in finne. But certaine it is, rhe fais of Pals, infim1i· eh •11• f h h • h • d . tics, andfra·ilthe fl!llan even on ers t ·eugrowt m go hties,aretothe netfe by accident, and by the grace ofGod) and Chri!tian as a growth ingrace, after.amanbe converted, is ali1re giOwing Ague to a young figne ofafound converfion. mnn, 4· Fourthly, the foundne(fe of converfion ap– peares by the confrancy of the true convert, in the courfes of graces ~md holineffe. Other Con– verts, who are ledby no foonerand higher guide, than the power of a temporary faith, are in and out, offand on, to and fro, in matters 0fReligion: Sometimes they will bee forward and hot, feme– times cold and formall ; they will come on for :a while hafrily and fuddcniy ; for corne in frony ground will come up fooner, and grow falter for the time, than that in agood foile, and they will as quicklybegoneagaine; as fooneas they fball finde X 3 . their