'The Saints their forwardneife maioly croffed, diigraced, and perfecuted, theiJ prefently fall away; for ifonce the Stmne beat h@t upon furh corne.) itdies and wi– thers, and comes to nothing ; there is nohold to be takenof fuch,by true Chrifrians theywill feeme to be on their fide, and beare outwardly the badge of Chrifi, but Vfhen they come into the field to fight in the cau(e ofGod) or are put Unto any hot f~rvice for the maintenance of the faith, and the Crowne of ChrifHanity, and with the faith1etfe children of Ephrdim~ turse tkeit back...r in theday ofbat- . te!t: The tJtor~tif.tg ftarre isonely promifed unto him .. that overco11JU ; but thefe many times quaile rhe heart at the very firfr on-fet; to the great difho. nour ofGod, the flume of their Chrifrian profef:. Gon, and the difcovery of their formality and faint-heartednetfc. Their courage ingood caufes, and their converfion from ill, is as their faith, tem– porary ; their goodne.ffo is as a.morn-it;g cloud;' a?Jd 115· the mor?JitJg·dew that goeth awety. And of thefe un– fo:Jnd converts we mayconceive two forts; 1. Some t l; ere are, out of whom the uttekane fpitit departsfor atime, Matth.11.43· AtJdby the k,ztow– !edge of the Lord, atJd of the saviour Ief~ts Chrift J efcape . from theft!thinejfeoftheworld, 2 Pet.2.20. Amiare w~J-' (hed, verf. 2 2. that is, by the power of temporary faith they become temporary converts, and ;oily profeffours for a feafon ; but their foundation not being ftue and foundly laid, theWord not fafr and deeply rooted in their hqarts, their converfion not found andemire~the worldby little and littledoth fopowerfully get within them) and imputationof· . . precifeneffe·