folfe~inr~ahing examination. 1 19J precifeneffe laid upon them by the prophane J world, fo nett1es them ; their Iothnetfe to forgoe } their former £infull pleafures fo vexes them, that _ they firfr beginbla~ hemouOy to grumble within themfelves,with thofe, Malach. 3. 1 4.Towhatpurpo[e 1 i.rit toferve God?what profit is it that wee havek.§pt his Comutandementt , ~tnti that we walkgdhumb!J before tf.e , LordofHoftl ? Hereupon the uncl~ane Jpirit hovers i about for re-entry, and findingwaymadeby their owne rebelliousflefb~ ta~u fevm other Jpirits worfe tha?J himfelfe~ atid repojfejjeth them ; ·fo th~y with the Dogge, returneto theirownevomit, t.0.eywallow with the 8owaga1mt in themire. andagaine are trJngledin thepotlntiont ofthewortd afld overeofJteJ and then the tatter endisworfewith them thaJJ. the beginning. And that; 1. Firfi:, In refpefr of God, whofe goodneffe and mercy, wi~hhorrible contempt, and hatefull ingratitude, they have fhamefully abufed. If a Phyfitianwith great care and diligence fhou!d mi– nill:er Phyficke, prefcribe diet, and ufe all meanes for the recovery of his Patient, and he for a little bitterneffe of the Pils or Potions which hee is to take, fhould be peevifhand impatient, cafl: all be– hinde him, and unthankfully contemne and abure the paines.and-patience which is taken and endu.. red for his good ; he>Wrefolote woulcl'fochaPhy– fitian be, never more to meddle with fuel\ an im- .patient Patient, where bee·fbould Io(e both his 'la– bour and reputation. It'is juft fo in the· cafe of a re– I.apfed creature. For if amanby the mercyofGod l bee bmught to iJ,; tafle ef the heavelflygifrof fhe good' Wordofqod:.aml of thepowers oftheworld toeome,asit is · · X 4 . . . Heb.6.