1 'The SaintJ Heb.6. If hee be pointed and put into the way ro Heaven,to fee the glorious comforts of the Saints and have fpiriruall medicines put inrohis hand t~ preferve his foule from everlalHng death, andyet for, a. litde bicternetfe of temporary troubles, for love of pleafures, feare of mort~II man, or the momemany fmarting ~ of fome light afflictions, throw away from, him .thofe holy receirs, which fhould keepe his foule in ,fpitituall heal rh, trample underfoot in fome meafure even t:he Sonne of God, by forfaking his fervice, and taking part with the w9rldJanddefpight 0 in fame meafure,t,heSpiritof grace, by fmotheriag ·and cdntemning his fecrer checks, and·hoiy motions. I fay'it is jutt with God that fuch a.man fhould be givenover to areprobate tenfe,. and wallowing in the mud and mire ofhis former fe.nfuall vanities, w1thour alt remorfe or 1 recovery, Ezech.3.2.o. · 2. In refpefr ofSatan. Ifaprifoner you know, having broken prifonJ bee regained againe byhue . and cry, he is dapt up prefcndy in the·Dungeon loadenwith bolts and irons) and ofall oth'ers he is., · eyer a' ter the narrowliel1: war.ched; and tlrongliell: gt1arded. It is.fo with a relapfed wretch)if having . wrefred himfelfe our of Satcms clutches, .and efca- . ped ou.t of his Kingdome of darkneffe) hee.bee . broughtagaine tohis old bent) aod-baledbacke to his.formercourfe,,.hyth~ cry9fhis·old.compani– ons, . and~corruptions of his owne flefil; then.Satan furely, who-isJayler to every unregenerate.man, keeps him ever after dofe prifoner 1 arid commits himto[even otherfpir.it1worfo thtltJ himfllft; fo that a , , thoufand . -~~·--------------------------~----------~