Bolton - Houston-Packer Collection BV824 .B65 1634

fe/fe,inriching examination. thoufand toone that man lives and dies in the De· viis Dungeon 3· Thirdly) 1 .In refpcfr ofthem[dves ~for Apo– fiates fromgood b~g1nnings, revolters from pro· feffion; arc a kinde of !vlonflers amongft'Chrifti 4 ans hatefull both to Heaven and Earth, to God and ' ) Man, even very breathing Devils ; they cannot offer a greater. vHlany to the livingGo.(than to tafie of' the pleaflucs of Heaven, .and oke part wirh his children,. and after tO mrne Turksand Traitors to ;God andgoodmen, and therefore they are mariJ times poffefr with ftrange amazements, and fearc– fulnetfe of heart, extraordinary evilneife of con– fcience, depravation of inward peace and fpirim– ~11 joy, witl1defrerate thoughts offome markable veQgeance, :md other foule fpirirs, which make · their cafe farre more wofull than it was at firft. J."'or ' mofr-cerraine is itand true, filChdoe finde in them– feives leffc power todoewelt and-are carried wirh more raging affections to doe wickedly, than e\'er they felt before•.. 2. Befides, in che difeafes of the body a reiapre is held mofl: d.mgerm1s, and the recovery m8re -de– fperate~ than from the-prime difeafe. A reciduati– on is more dangerous than the root of a difeJfe,; he t1lat fals away goodnetfe and goodbegin– nings, .is in farre gre.lter danger of everlafting death, than he that never knew the way~s of'God, though the ca(eofbothbe certainly damnable, if they fo continue• .To conclude this.point,, thefe p1en make many times for a time, a very goodly . fhew, bu.t -after fall away;,and grow notorioufly naught,. .:i'daib.;upoa. P[al.Jz..•pag:3 z. :·,