Bolton - Houston-Packer Collection BV824 .B65 1634

Jeljf:,.inriching cxamznation. / .3· As concerning the degrees of regem:r:arion attainable by the power of the temporarie faith_, and in the fiate of l11kewarmneffe, you muH: con– ceive that I make five points confiderable in the 1 great worke ofregeneration. The two firfi_,towir knowled~e, and legall repentance_, preparative::~, qnd neceffary fore-runners; the three Iafl:, to wit; faith) fanetification., and Evangelicall repentance, the effemiall p_arts thereof: r. As<:oncerning knowkdge, it maybe plemi:. full, as well to the reprobate, as in the Chrifiian. For difference in this cafe, fee the feven marksof faving knowledge, I have formerly propofed. 2. And as concerning legall repentance, it may ' alfo be fouqd in both; for difference wherein,con· 1 fider with me foure kinds of paffages out of pangs . ofconfcience., in legall repentance and horrour for finne. 1. Some, whenby the power of the Law their confciences are preffed with the weight of their - finnes, ani the worme that ?.Jever dieJ', which bath beene long dead drunke ':Vith fenfuall pleafures, by · thehand of diyine jufiice is awakedJ and beginnes to !l:ing, they prefenrly fall into the moft: abhor– red and irrrecoverable Dungeon of defpaire ; the flam1ngof eternall fire feizes upon them, even in this life, they are in hell uponearth, and damned above,ground ; th~y are fuch commonly, who all their life long have beene contemners oft~Mi– niftery of the Word, fcorners of the power of godlineffe, quenchers of Gods good fpirir~ revol– ters from goodbeginningsand profeffionof gmce, thefe · 197