rhefe who have harboured forne groife finne, that h~ve beene clofe agents for rhe powers of dark– neife·, orplaufible tyrants againll: Gods children, and their flncnity, or fL1eh like notorious infiru· menrs ofSaran, and in famousrebels to the Maje– O:ieof Heaven, which, firh they were fuch, God in his jufl: judgement fL1ffcrs theirconfcience to lie a long time in a dead Oeepe, like a mighty Giant, or a fierce and cruelt Lion, gathering puiffance, power and vigour, it might torrure, rent and re~1.re in peeces rheir ::1ccurfed foules) when there is none to helpe. Thewomuthat neverdies , whichnarura!Iy breeds in prophaneconfdences~ by their infatiable . fl1rfec in finne, ani their greedy driH/ittg iniqllity likg wat-er, growes to fuch firange frrength and big-. neife, that taking _efpecially advantage of their weakneffe upon their deaths-bed, and thdr great 1ftonifhmenc and fearfulnefle in that lafl: euremi– t1e,it fuddenly (brprizes them with the very flafbes of hell fire, and_11:ingsof everlaftinghorrour, and fo cafts them jnro d~fpaire, conqners them, and ntterlr confounds tl1em. Then would they give · ten thoufand wor Ids for onemoment of that time of grace, which they have wretchedly long abu· fcd 0 for the benefit of the Minift:ery which rhey have infolc>ntly fcorned, for a drop of chat preci· · o·:sblond, whichby their defperate villanies, and wilfull rebellions ,'they have trampled under foot; but no mercy, no bleffing, no comfort then will be had, though with prophane. EfoTt, they f~ek~ it with teares, and through thetr rufull and p1ercmg .cries into-the aire, with hideous groanes andyel· . lings., /