-----~--------------------~- /el/e .. inriching .exa-mination. n'ngs , but-·th~y lie rumbling upon their beds of fickneffc, aJtdin the111omittg they fay .rrouldGodit mere eVeJJing, a?Jdat theevening, rvou~dGodit i:Pere morning.,. for tl-1t fearuof theirhe .(rtswhicb theydoejeaJ:e;- andfor . thejghu oftheir e;es wbich th .ydo ~·fie. In their life. time they were Lions againfl: Godschildren, and likeWolves ofthe Eve!iitJg, in vexing, perfecming, and dif£,racing the inno·:ency and Gncerity of the. S~ints - ; and ·therefort! now upon their beds of. death, they lie in a wofull p1ighr, even fikg witde– Buls in anet 1 as theProphet fpeaks, Ifa 52 . 2 o.fuUrif' . thefmyof tkeLord,: Then they cry o~t with rhofe fin full hypocrites, Ifa. 33· 14· I with unfpeakable horrour of heart, WhoamoNg H:r jhalldrreU1);irh theJe– wuring fire? who among 111 , &c. And there for a while (asan earneirof ~ell fire) they arefeareful· Iybated~ . tome anq rent,.with defpair-e and l)o.r· rour,- by.the furies of confcience , and fiends of .Hell, as by fo many fierce 'and·bloudy Maftives ;. and at lafl: hurrieq and dragg~d by them, when .t.~e~e is none to ~elpe, into t he eyerlaO:ing Lake . of br-i!llirone, .fire'· -~ !7 d i Dung~pn of -endJeffe, . eafleife, and remedilefle mifery. .,Thus the one paffage out of the pangs of confdenc;e, is intode– fr.liJe, that He,ll uponEarth, and (o forward imo . their_o~ne pl;,tc~i 1 asjs faid of Jurl(u, which is the . 1 1}~11 of wi;:ke9 Devil~ inr~e.world rocome.Some · are-hatfe de "'H~.. ~8 this life-, by ~ tpeir dOf!gadnelfe · a~ainfr Gods children, and.are n.ever touchcJ with .re.t'!l{:r(e, hq.t e~~I? n~rneg ~.s ~·t \pere in the turning - '"}f. an-handi ~ron! r~mnv. ~g.• i nfr good m~n upoa. ~anh~~ r<nageaga!n~,Gq,9 f9]:', ~verinHel{.,_., , · - ' 2. Secondly, . 2.99 •', ··'