Bolton - Houston-Packer Collection BV824 .B65 1634

jOO / 'The Saintr 2. Se~ona1y) Sumt: rt1ele ate~ wh0 w.blu rhey · feele thetr foults wounded . their hearts pricked and confciences afiooitbed wirh theapprehenfibr~ .of fin, andwith the terro11rofthe Lord, by thatJword of the spirit, which, when the Lord will, {hikes · thorow the loynes of the mofi rebellious wretch, and makes hisprorhane and proud courage, ttJI'Jletf away lik! water:> and his fiubborne heart to tremble li~ theleav~tt of the forreft:> which arejba4efJ with the wind. I fay then they labour might andmaine, to drive away and difpell their inward terrours and affiifrionsoffouk,withoutwarc;l mirth ,and·catnall contentmems:. They take thefe fpirituaU pangs~ which if they were well managed, would prove thevery right patfage topeace ofcorddence, and a preparative to the great workeofregennarion, ~o be! oothing but fits of melancholv, and tempta- . tion to precifenetfe, and therefore theymakehafie our of them_, and flie unto worldly pleafur.. s, as playes . pafHmes, mnficke, gami ·~ g . merrycompa- · ny, good:fellowftlip, the confei)tmenrs of . rh~ir i . f\.veet Gnne) arid fach like tniferable·comforterl and I Phyfitiantoj nova/He, that thereby 'for a time they : may allav the hear of their horrour, and toolethe rage of theirguilry confciences ; but ir:l tbis ca(e Chyrurgions uf'e ro deale·about d€~pe and.dang\– rous wounds, whiCh thev know 'no(w~Irhow to heale,th€fdoe not fear<;h the bOFfome, they doe '· nor put in tents, and apply corrafi~es-, .. which' were theHke1ie!£.way to a.found ~nd thC?:ow ru~e;':'?~t one'y 'malee'afaire ·fhew 'Qritwardfy, '_ bv dra~mg as~inne(,mftbeuut-lide~·or pleafii1g (heir Pacleflts; . . ., .,.: by