Bolton - Houston-Packer Collection BV824 .B65 1634

Luk.U,lJ,u. '!he Saints pieafures m:1y for a litdewhile itil1 ~he noife& rage of anaccufi ngconfcience,and cook the hear offpi– riruall anguii1J, bnt undoubtedly afrerwards they kindle fuch a fire in rhe bowe!s of thofe mifetable men. that will burne even to the borrome of Hell and is the very beginning of everlall:ing flame;, But thecourfewhich thefe men takeplettfeth Satan right we11, he will helpe forward with might and maine this accurfed bufineffe, of abandoning and banifhing the pangsof confcience with outward pieafures) for this is his craft and cunning in thefe cafes. . I. In the fir!l: placeJ before all things, if itmay be, he de fires to keepe them unmoved by theMi– niftery of the Word:; and utterly unp1erced with :the powerfulnetfe thereof, and then like a!hang man armed, he keeps his Palace, which is theheart of a pr~phane man, at his pleafure, andpoffeffh h ·borh body and foule with much peace and quier- · neffe. By this firfi endevour he prevaileswith the greater part of the hearers of the Word, they. heare'Sermon after_.Sermon, and judgement upon ju.:gement, and yet in refpect of any fpirimaU good, ora'ionifhment of confcience for their fins, · they are no more moved than the feats whereup- .on they fit. · :. If it fo faHout that theWordbeginne toget within am1n, and the twoetlgedf~ordof the Law to woundhis foule with remorfe and terrour) fo that hefees'him·cafr downe with f irimall fear§, and with mtich 'heaviretfe take finne :ro heart, then I doth he narrowly·watch -a11d attend whichway a ) man