. folfeJ.inri,bing·examinlltion. 301 ~oufd none of Juch fevere Divinity, fo full of ' 1 udgemenr, tending rodefpaire' : ·He bids Paulbe· gone, he was not then at leifqre tQhave his com.fcierice unripr, and hiscorruptions laidopen beforo · him., he wit heare him ofthat another titJ!e; and the ,~onceit of abribe, a branch of his bofome unne, did .prefeFJdy drive out and drowne thefe hellifu flafhes , which were throwne into hishe~rtby P1111lt •hunderi1gout ofjudgementsagainft them. I have knowne fame, who lying 'in fe~refull horrourof cotddence •,rtheir finnes~ were diverfly advifed . and fer upon ·bycontrary Counfellours. ; upon the ri~ht hand and b~t~rfide was the good fpiHt of · God, andrheir Cnr.U ianfrknds, and theircoun– ftlt a~d Jrlvife was 1 rhat this £Piri.rqall affii&ion of foule, if ir weredghrJyma,.tla.grd, m1ght prove~n hap•·lypre~arative t:o thegreat worke of regenerai rion .and therefore wouldhave tbembynomeanes looke for anycomfortburfronrHe.ave~ to·admit of no'~plaHter Jbuc·H11e preoions blood .'of Chrifi:, to chufe noothex by-path' oot to' lrrike direfrly thorow rhe:ffrait pa:flage;to theHate ofgrace, and with patience tJO ,'Paffe the>xow the p2angs of lbe new,birth,dtat fo they mightbepiantedin thera~ radif.e.of ChriG:ianity, ji~Hrijb i11the h011foofGod, '1ti1EI · grow upin.godliaeffe like., Ce,darjtJ .Lcht~?JoJJ~ Upon the left hand and worfr p~rtwas Satan, .and fQme goocl fellowes, .(as tbey<:all them) ·wit:h ·whom r:herehadbeene former famii!aiit-y.and feHowf.hi-p int lhe wayes ofvanit'l, 1and rhus p1eade~ theyfor Baal.. and IIDa~nten:mce~fmdr pr~p.h:ane and d·if- .felut!e fe& ; yaumutt, ·fay they, putyour te-Ife.oNt Y 2 of. , .