Bolton - Houston-Packer Collection BV824 .B65 1634

(t/fe,inriching e~amin~tion ~ , 3o7 forrOrP forre from thee, forfurrow hathflaine ?IJIIIJ), and thereis neprf!ftt therei~. Amiour time i.r tU afhadvw tht~t pajfethdWIIJ~ andafterotlr end rherein;oreturning,for . .itil f.tdf foaled, fo_th,# no_11Jancomfl1ethagaine,: ConJe thetefore and let 111 eiJjoythe pteafureJ that llr4 ptefent.... * ·a~tdlet 111 cheerfuUyufe thecreatute.r, ·dl inJOuth; tet us · Ji!l our[elves with r;ojUy wi~te and ointmettts, afJdlet fJIH theftuwer of life paJ!e by-us ; let us. crowneourfelves with Roft budsafore'they be.withered; let 111 all bee part~~rs ofolli: wantoJJ11eff'e ;·letJrs letrVe fome tukgn ofour pka– fure in everyplace, for -thisis tJIIr portion, dnd this . if our .lot. The party afflicted in confcience, lifining and · :yeelding -unto fuch accurfed and pefineni elo- _ i ql:lenc~ as this, (for fuggefiians of flefu,anrtblGmd, :and fenfuall enticements finkefooner and deeplier. : :into a mans heart,than goc:lly admonitions andmo- •tions of the good fpirit) cafi:s himfelfe defperately •againe into the cNrrent of good· fellowfhip, fiifled: tbe ftirrings of godlj forrow, quenched the firfi ·flafhes·ofthe fpiric, and fotomycertaine knowlede became anotoriouswretch)Antltwioemore thechildof hellthanhew~before. And Satan; no doubt, feeing • himtake that way, would doe his befr to fiill i:he : criesofhisconfcience, and to bring. itafleepe, by makinghimdrunke with finne: So that afterwards . lam perfwaded bee was not troubled .with any checke or remorfe~ So-it ufuallyfares with others in thelil(.ekinde. - ·: · · • ,3. Another paffage outoffpirituall terrour.s,and · 1 afronifuments for finne, isintoakinde ofartifici..:, all, unfoand, ~nforc€d,·and- eonnterfdt peace.of _~onfcience._And it is thus ; -Some there ar.e, who Y 3 - when