jiO -; ' ' -~ 7"be SttintJ. · . To apply the point tomyprefent pu.rpofc :. . Marke hence the ditference betweene the formall Profeifour with his tempqraryfa1rh, and him · t_hat the Lord will fanctifie and fave by the holy grace of jufrifying faith : In the point of legaU re-' penrance,.commonlyother kinde of men, if they f~ll irito aoy· (pirituall affliCtion of foule for theit fimies~ either 'finke thence into defpaire, or drive itaway with worldly pleafures~ or frop the cryof confciencewith an halfe and unfound. converiion. Amongfl: this third fort we may ranke the formall : Profeffour) if at ~my .time hebe furpfizedw'ith le– gall forrow for his finnes : But in him whom the Lord will beget againe by the immortaU feed of tht; Word, and the power of his fanctify ing fpirit, legall farrow and remorfe for tione Joe therefore ' breakeand bruife the heart, that it mavbe foftned and fitted for the precious oyle of the .Promif~s of grace ; and his pangs ofconfcience are a .p~eparative for the infufion of favin? faitb, . and .a paffage thorow ftlnctification and Evangelic~llrepenranceJ into.the glorious ll:ateofnewobedience, and new– neffe of lite, wherein afcer bee ever walks, nntiU bee happily arrive at his endleife refi: i~the new J erufalem. . · · - Before I paffe to the next, let the eru.e ChrilHan rake this lelfon about this point, . . If it fo fall out, that after.hec hath paffed the pangs of the new·oirth, ancl beemadepa~r.Qkers ot the firfr refurrecl:ion, there come upon h1mfame- . times new feares and terrours of confcience, let him :nQt. th~_refore pr~(endy, with needletfe tor-- . .ture