.~-------·--=:-:;-··------·------- ~" ~ . 'The Saints -----1 flittions ot conldence, ~hey often drinke rbe deeper of worldly croifes. If they cfcape thofe outward calamities wh.ich others fee!e, they feele thofe inward griping~ which others ef– cape : So truly a contintlall warfare is the Chri– frians'life. Now fith iris fo, let no childeof God th)nke it a firange thing, or therefGre unfeafona.. blyaffiitt his foule with_a caufleffefufpirionof the truthof hisregeneration, becaufc he isfornethnes revifited with fpeciall horrour of confcien~e for finne_, or have the feare of hisformer tranfgrdii– orts renued, and chargedupon him afrefh :Forit is ·rieceffary manrt4nes that Chrifiians, efP~cialJy if they profper ourwardl~,_and flonrHh in theworJd, be humbled and kept in awe by inward tert1ptati• . ons, andfpirituall feares. · Thus the deareft and bell: children thlt ever God h:<d) ever have' beene dealt with, and that ~ longafter theirnew birth. Ezechidbupon hisdeathbed complaines, t!J11t the :Lordbrok!11Uhis boneslil<! tJ Lio11. Even as the weake · and trembling limbs of fotne leffer and inferiour · :beatl: are rent and crutbt by the unrefifrable pawof an angry and unconquerable Lion, fo was the .poort" foule broken and bruifed with rerrours and . -:mgrycountenanceoftheAlmighty. He couldnot fpeake for the bitterneffeofgrkfe, and anguifbof heart; but chatlered liPi MCrilflt or 4 Srl'ai!OJ'l':> 111JJ mour~Jtdlikett Dove. . Job faithwof himfelfe, thllttbtt.orli!JaJfothimllpdl tJ m~trk.! to}hoot 11t, amJh4Jlliftht~rgrdup;n himtlttp"- ' fo!teJ (ltro»'tl) the'VefJo!IJe~htttof11'1111~ 1ip!JisJPitil.~ : · DII'Vi