Bolton - Houston-Packer Collection BV824 .B65 1634

. ' lfhe Saint! ;1.uu !ll\.-. .,uh...u. lLttt:nng g :atJes, mal\.e thote foule fiends feeme fairer than thev are .indeed. Wherefore th~ ChrilHan ourwardly'diftretred, or extraordinarily' vifired by Gods hand, feeing his finn (_ s upon the fuJden madhalled and marching againfrhim, moein number, more fierce, and with more fury than here ofore, may for the while be furprized and exercifedwith unexpected terro_ur, untill by medhation upon Gods former fpeciall mercy unto him in fp.rituall things, upon the m.lrks and effettsof his converfion, upon the truth atid fincerity of his heart towardGod, in the dayes of his health ; uport thofe efiim:ltions and afru– rances which his Chrifiian friend cangive' himof beingin the frate of grace,and fuch Hke hol , hdps, bee bee raifed againe from che de jectionsoffpirit, and recovered to his former comfort, and affurance of his inrerefr inChrifr~ and falvation ofhi.~ fou le. ThusGodcleaieth fometimes with his dearefi chil– dren, that the horrouroftheir finnesmay become more hatefull to their affliCted con!Ciences, and the dearneffe of Gods mercymore tall full to theirdi– frreffed hearts. David, Pfa!. 38. beingput inminde by his fickneffe;of Gods wrath again(( finne, was full forely atflitred in foule, fo that bee cries oilt in a rufuU manner:, There if nothing found i11 f!Jyfl(h becaufe<Jfthineanger:, neither !i.r there reft i?J.f!IJbO?Jes hecaujeof'my finne. For utine iniquitie-s are gone ove~ my head, and tH aweightyburde~t the, are too hea'lJJ for tJJe. , 1 a11J bowed ,'IJdcrool<gdveryfore : 1goe tJtourn~ng all the 1tt_y. For my reine;~ are full t1f Dllr_lting, and t~reilfiO;. hi?Jg fonfJd i?J mJ flejh. 1 amwea~fltd-and fore r/Jro~f!·· 1