Bolton - Houston-Packer Collection BV824 .B65 1634

'lhe Saints , 'ction andpractiteJ u1 elk tall upon ic fietl'eJy with · their envenomeddawes of tpighr andmalice,quite t0 put outfuch holy light, and to darken theplace where they Jive. They interpret his iincerity to behvpocrifie, his holineffe tobehumour) his for wardndfe phamafHcalne1fe, his fanctification fin- - ·g\}lariry, and indeed refo ve and combineagainfr hi mwith the ungodl v one£) Wifd. 2. 12. Let u.r de~ fraud the righteous,forhe ism1tfor uurprofit, andiscon– trary to our doings, he che/k.t;th 111 foroffending ag,aihft thelaw :and hlameth 111 a; tranjgrejfours of'dijcipline, &c. I fav God may fuffer {uch a man upon his death-bed to fall into fome more extraordinary rmd markabledifcomforr of confc:ience, of which rhofe graceldfe wrerche~, among whom he livesJ takingnotice, are ther~by defperatelyobfiinared) and h,ardned in their lewdand carnall courfes. For they wanttr'lg Jhe fpirit ofdifcerning, and fceing Gods hand upon him in that fearefull manner doe then moft peremptor~ly conclude, as rhoft 1nije- · rable comforter.r upon Job, that before rimes .he was · certainlyanhypocrire) and rherupon rhey become twice more deadly advrrfarics to fincerity than were before . they are fureHer barred and llrong– lier locked in their ftate of good-fellowfhip a .d formality ; they merrHy blefre rhemfelves in thdr hearts .fayingunto theircompanions., thdt: are the men whichmake fuch iliewof forwardndfe, tbefe are the fellowes which are fo fcrupulous andpre– cife ; you may fee now rhe defper:m~ end of fach hypocriticall Puritans. Thus the glorv of Gods ·jufiice is juftlymagni'fied, by making them fta rke blinde,