(e/fe~itlricbing exttmination. bliride, who wilfully fhut their eyes agai,nfr the light of grace) by giving them over to areprobate fenfeJ who would not fuffer their crooked waves to be reproved afld rectified by the good example ofa godly Chrifiian. Thole prophane wretchesby Gods jufrjudgment are for ever connrmed intheir _ obfl:inacie and rebellions, and walke on with con– fidence inaperpetuall prejudice againfi the power of fanfrification, towards the pit of horrour and end!effe defolation. That bldfed Saintof God by thofe terr,oursand affliCtionsof confc:ience~ belides glorifying God in hardning -pthers, 'is more thorowly fitted and refined for that glory which is to - bee revealed. · 5· Fifthly, the Chrifiian may be the ofcnerex– - ercifed '!Vith fearesf?fheart, and agonies of foule forfinne. 1. That thereby he may grow into greater con- -·fotii3iry with Chrifi in fpiriruall fufferings. .. 2. Th:11t tafiing fometime of the bitterndfe of the wrath to eome, he may feare it the more, and flie the further from it. . . ~· That therebvthe incomprehenfible loveof Chrift: J efus unto his foule, may 'finke deeplier into his heart, who for its fake and falvation, dranke deepe and large,and the very dregs of that cup,the leafr drop wherofis tohim fo bitter,deadly,and in– tollerable. 4• Tha.tay fore-times fcnfe ofthe con– trary,his joy in the favour & lightofGods counte– nancemaybemore joyfull,his fpirituall peacemore pleafant, tlie p1eafure of grace more precious, the comforts ofgodlines morecomfortable~&c.Or for · z fome --------------~~· ~----------~~- --~----~