Bolton - Houston-Packer Collection BV824 .B65 1634

·j ; ' ;~ J ·~ 1 1 ' '· 'The Saints {ome other fecret and invilible.end,. known onely to the all-feeing eye, and~anaged by the glorious ·,providenceof the mofl: wife God. Amongll other ·ends why MallerR. GIO'l)er was left a litrle before ·his end, ofthe feeling ofGods favour} bur frrangeIr revived"and recomforred wirh exceffe of joy, , when hee was going to the fhke,.was, that hee· might paffe thorow the flames with- leffe fence of .bodily/ paineJ his foule being frefhly filled with fpiricuall p)eafute. 0LJt Of this point nllY fpringa ·. refolution of that doubt,_;mdah anfiver to that ob- · .jeCl:ion which is fometime~ made by fome good Chrifrians. It is this ; how fhall that Chrifihn fa, · tisfie, atftire, and fecure hirpfelre of the truth and .. foundnetfe of his converlion, who having beene .· formerly a very horrible and abominable finnerJ · yet paffeth thorow the pangsofhis new birth with · farre moreeafe, and leffe terrour, than fome which : 'have not beene halfe fo rebellious; neitheris neare ·. fo zealous in the wayesof goJlinelfe, asmany who have beene'farre letfe finners in the day,ofthe~rva- · niry ?· (o that remorle for finne, and horrour of con!Cience, in his converfion_, was not ro propor– tionable to the rebellions of his youth, and hai– noufneffe of his former life ; nor his prefent,· zeale fur Gods glory, anfwerable to his former fu– rie in the purfuit offinfull pleafures ; what may · be thought of fuch aman ?or whatis he to thinke ,of himfelfe. , : Janfwer, itmaybe moe ~nd morefea.reruu ter.; 'rours are behinde, and' owing him for afterward•. ;"theLord·may takeoccafion upon hisr.elapfe into , ; , · R>me , ! .... . . -- .;