Bolton - Houston-Packer Collection BV824 .B65 1634

.. ' ~ - . ~.. . . fume old,or fall into fame new fin,' the time of fome outward afflitl:ion, to rer.ew and cbarge<up– onhimafreih all hisfeares, ang fpiritualldifirafri– ons of minde, all his horrours ~nd anguithes of hearrforfinne, upon areviewofhis dayesofva– nity and former lewdneffe, and that with deeper \ bitings, and more ghafHy horrour than at the 1 firft ; that there9y his humbl~dneife under Gods I . mighty hand, may bee perfetted, the defects and imperfetl:ions of his former forrowes for finne fupplied, the great worke of mortification happi-, ly furtherea:;aaecefiation of his o!d– crea{ed, fpiriruall hunger after more holinelfere· ·doubled, and his zeale in good caufes, ·and for the glory of God, tborowly heated J and more enflamed. . · : That relapfe or fals into finne doe occafionally . breed and bring upon the Chrifl:ian new horrour . for old finnes appeares by DavidJPfat. 51. and or– . dinary experience ofGods children. It is the pro– . pertyof the childe of God, when his confcience is nororioufly fiung with any one finne, to ·make a further andmore fell fearch and enquiry into the whole fiate of his -confcience ; apd to affetl: his heart with afenfibleapP-~enJiQ,p,of the finnes of this whole life, apd of tfie finfulneffe of his na– ture:· Towhich ifthe Lordaddehis angry coun– tenance and jnfi: indignation, it is able to ·throw him iJ)to-anew hellofconfcience, for thofe finnes ·which hebath formerly in fame good meafure for– rowed for, and repented of, :when upon occafion . of fome ·markable tranfgreffion, he looks himfelfe · Z 2 , in