Bolton - Houston-Packer Collection BV824 .B65 1634

.I ' . -'¥; The Saintr _ , in the Chryft:aU g·laffe of the Law of God, forrhe difcrying and walhing away of tnat particular fiaines and !pots, itdifcov·ers atfo againe unto him the foulnefie and deform!ties ofall his former abo– minable rebellions. And fome great outward croffe andtroublemay a-lfo bee an occafion that the weight of his finnes may preffe him m~re heavily and r~llfibly, than when they firll: brmfedand broke h1s heart. Forit is the property and prafrife ofrhe Chr~ftian,when . he is deepefr in worldly dill:relfes, andvexedmoft - wirh themiferies of this life, then 'moft curioufly and impartially to Iooke into; fearch, and try the truth of his fpiritual-1 evidences, and'foundheffe0f his tide· to the Kingdome of Heaven, that yet there at leafr and lall: hee may bee fure of rell:and peace, and endletfe happinetfe, which Satan obfer– ving~nd taking the advantage and opportunityof his dejefrion ofmindeJ and heavie.heartedne1Th, fur his preffures in the world cloth labour might andmaine to wrong his title~ and weaken his hope 0f Heaven, by a malicious teprefentation of the . abomina:dons of his youth-to the eye of his con.. . ftience, which though both f0rfaken and forgiven, yet perbaps are not loathed' with that meafure of deteftation, which fuchugly monfters and foule, fiendsd'=ferve. Andtherefore for hisgreater humi~ liation God-may futfer Satan to fifi: m.Jre thorow– _lyJand to ranfacke his confcience ·more deeply; that paffin~ againe rhorow rhe flames of fpiriruaU inwardaffliction . he may be the, better purged~nd .pudfied'from :ea~tbly drofle, atldbtctbaching,ccir• r · · ' . -corr_upti0n~