Bolton - Houston-Packer Collection BV824 .B65 1634

-----"----.-~------·-------- 'The Saints I .... . wq~n the uorme is once over-blowne, and the doudsdifperfed, he fees clearly that he was there– fore c~fr into this furnace of fpirimall atRietions, . that the reliquesof his hatefull cor(uptions might bee thorowly wrought out of him) that hee might finally difmiffe his finnes which h:tng fo fatl: on, wirh more fpeciall indignation and harred, his de– parting foule.might clafpe about Chrifrsprecious wounds, with a fweet and ftrong embracement) and become more fen fible and taftefull of thofe endleffe joyes, upon which it is happily erit~ing. 3· Or if fucha one be forty, and fincerely grie– ved that bee is not 111ore forrowfull for his finnes, and more zealous in holy fervices, whymay not his forrowthat he is no more forrowfull, ·and his zeale after more zeale,be accepted, ferve rhe turne, and fatisfie that divine mercifull goodoeffe, which is · wont ever to interpre~, and take holy defires ·for the things done, goodly affecrions for the actions themfelves, longings for grace, to bee very grace longed for, if they be fincere, fanctified, and un– diffembled ? But this I now tell you is a pearie which doth ferveonely to comfort anduphold the fainting hearts of Gods children, in fome extraor– dinary cafes and extremity of temptations. L~t ne fl:ranger ~ake it up!> let nofwine trample upon ir, thefe have nopart in ir,they know riotthe price and precioufneffe of it. Hee cloth not loath finful– neffe with fo great detefl:ation as Paul did, norfol- , lowholineffe with that fervency offpirit as didDa- . viJ : What then? doth he hare evill truly, though not fo vehementlv? Doth he ferve God faithfully,; .. . , • .. though'