Bolton - Houston-Packer Collection BV824 .B65 1634

.--------------~----------~------------~~- fe/fo.-inrittbing e~tllmination. r J1i. .wllling) the difference in thefc three.points, be– twixt the formall Profeffour and true Chrifiian; temporary faith, and that which is found and Caving. . , · 4· Nowlafily, astouching outward rcformati- . on, and thofedegreesofit formerly l2iddowne, I yeeldand grant they may proceed from a tempo. rary faith J and befall th~ r tormall Profeffour. But what is amanbetter, though hebeoutwardlydo- . thed with Chrifiianity, and to the eyes ofmen · put on the glttryof anAngell, ifhe be inwardly lined with Jufitull corruptions, 3tld retaines lHU ,adev~lli(h difpofition inhis ~sward parts. · That outward .reformation, though ne\'er fo ·exaCl:and out-fide Chrifiianity, though never. fo ;glifiering, will not ferve thefum~or fuffi~e to til- :vation. ' · Thus farre ofthat weighty and importantpoint ·concerningthedifferencesbetwixt the powers and perfeaions of tempo~ary faith, incident to repro- ;bates, andattainable in theff3te of unregenerati– on, ;tnd thofe Caving impreffiorts, aEdholy infpi- I , rations of fanltifying faith, that fountaine of life, and jewell of Heaven, which puts us into pre- . fent poffetlioa oftheKingdomeof ~ace, andby found evideBcesof the promifes offalvation, fea- 1 led with the precious bloud ofChrifr Iefus) entides us.roeverlafiing joyes ina!lother worl~. - 1 Thts may fuffice for the tnall of-Qur fanh, be;. : fore thereceivin~ of theSacrament. As for the triall oftherefiof thegracesfdrmer... . ly mentioned, pttg.1.4. as neceffarily required-to a · riJ!;ht Seemymrce Rcaforu in tbe DifcQurfe of TrueHapP!• ndfe,f-tt. 6J. Bee. - ~·