Bolton - Houston-Packer Collection BV824 .B65 1634

j foule-exattinJt,humiliation. r:; , . ·ploy the utmofr ofits fpirltual.l valour and abilities · everyway ;_and thatma~~s tt growmore ll:rong and.viecorious. Forasfloth,tdlenes,and wantofex.. . ercife, dothemafculate~nd make our bodiesmore una8:ive, and unable; put exercifeang imploiment doth mus:h quickenand fortifie them: fo it is in the prefent point. Without incouoter and atfault, faith !anguifhes~. and lies hid-; but when ll:ormes and rempeG:s are towards, it il:irs up it felfe, gathe~s its firength-andpowers together, and feekes for fub-· fidiary affifrance }?y prayer, meditation upon fpeci– all promifes.for its purpofe, experimentall recor- · ding former mercies, favours, and deliverances, &c. AbrahafiJJ faith was ·excellently exercifed a long time, with that great aillitlien of his wive5 barrenneff'e, nay,,and till the time that ir feemed · impoffible in nature that they fhould have a child : fo that itgrew thereby to that ll:rength, that after– ward at Gods command, -he would have facrificed . hisonly fonwithhisownehands. Hehadiearned) : that as before he hadquickened him afon, from the deadneffi: ofSt~rahs wombe, fo hee was able to raife him after from the dead, thGugh hee had bin burnt to allies. Davids faith being exercifed with innu– merable affiietioFJs after the promife oftbe·€rowne and Kingdom)grew to that height and heart,as you may fee Pf.'d. 5~6. & 46. r, 2; 3· and inother phces ofthe Pfalmes, the mofi partwhereofwas penned , in the timeofhis trouh>Je and perfecution. It growes at fuch times inrefpecrofamore frefh, _affectionate,-and fweetfurvey, and imbracement ofitsobjects. I The merits of Chrift 2 The proAa 3 _mifes 1