. '·. ' 6 TheSaints; -··· mifesofGod: 3 The providenceofGod, And in refpefr ofquickning and aCtuating with more life thefe parts of faith which fhew rhemfelves in th~ heart. 1 Defires ; extreme longings after pardon ofall pafbmd prefenr finnes in the blood ofChrift. ' ' ~ Repofe and refring in the bleeding bofome of ' Jefus Chrifl:. 3 Acomfortable perfwaGon, we are c~rtainly Gods for ever; even forthislafl:, I am per- < . fwaded) that both faith and the bleffedSpiritaffure :moft fhong1y many times, .amid the varietieofbit- . terefi outward preffures. :· 3 When the eye of f.4ith lookes through the clouds and fl:o.rmes.ofaffiiet:ions,upon fuch places as ' thefe! 1 Tht(. 3· 3• A£l. 14· 22. Heb. IZ. 7.8. ltis more clearedandfrrengthened initfelfe, and con. veyes unto the heart ofa Chrifiim more light, and affi1rance ofhis election,effettuall calling,adoption. Foraffiifrionsattended withtruebumiliatiort,prayer:~and a!incere purpofe to prnfit bythem,ar~cam- . fort able markes and,evidences ofGods efpect~ll fa- . ' vour. Thefi:ones and timber, which the mafon and carpenter meddle with, hew, fm6oth, polilh and fquare, are certainly chofen for building ; but that which they negleCt and paffe by, is tobee throwen .as rubb1fh into the high waies, orto beburnt}n the fire. It is fo in this cafe ;whom the Lord doth ham.. ·mer, and polifh in the furnace of:afflictions, he fin- .gles out t~bee frone~ in.~is _fpiritual.l ,temple ; but thole whtch he lets he qmet m the mtre and mud of ~heworld, and rot in the finfull fun-fhineofearthly eafe, are fattingagainfi the day of flaughter, and reprobate fl:ones. . And !'