•• -- =z;=z -'I 1· ... JoU!e~XItlting humiliatiOn. _ .7 Andas faith, the parent, fountaine, and root, as • ' itwere, oforher raving graces and holy vertues, . is ·notably frrengthened by /afflictions ; fo by ronfequenr, all her bleffed brood receive pr0porti.. onable firepgth and heartineffe. 1 Our fpirituall Hope. hope isinthe full tide, when our worldly hopes are at the greateft ebbe. 2' Our love is more won unto Lo~e. God, by his weaning us ~rom· the world with the ·, worm-wooclofafflictions, n~ithercanm~nywaters ofafHietion quench it, nor whole floods drowne it, cant. 8.7. bur rather, beingcafi upon it, do like the water in the forge,adde much heat to this holy affection, efpeciallywhen thebreatl~ ilfoofGods fpirit blow~ upon it. 3Feare under Gods vifiting hand p 611 ,r,. _ recovers that life which it loft by retchlefneffe and fecurity in the time ofprofperitie and eafe.See Ifa·57·I 1. 4Humilitie. For afflictions are as a true HHmilitJe. glatfe, whetein wee fee our o.wne vilenetfe and un– worthineffe() frailtie, and infirmities, uncertaintie, and weakneffe ofthe arme offleili, and fo humbly throw,downe otlr felves w.ith al11owlines and fubmiffion at the foot of Gods alrnightines, and glorious wifdome)faY.ingwithDaviJ,'J. sam.15.26.Here 1am, let himdFJeto me as[eemeth good inhif eyeJ. See 2 ehro.33·12. 5 Patience,whichis theverynurfe· P-atience• .. child of tribulation, RDm. 5. 3. and triall, Ifl. r. ·3. It growetl~ under the _burden, and by varietie of cr?ms. Job was an tanparalleld p~tterne for afHi_- cborts, and fo a matchldfe mirrour for patience. ' And ther.efore the Church confeffes, that it i1go~d . for aman, that he beare·theJ6ke inhifJbtlth, Lament. 3. · ,,. Crotfes are heavie'fr to the unex,erdfed. Tne A 4 __ freili-water