{ou!e-exalting humiliation. -9 with barrenneffe; idolatrie with adultery. · ' 2 When God punifheth byway of retaliation, by law of requital!, like for like, as, when wee ha- · ving dillionoured himwith fcandalous fins, hecafrs · diihonour upon us ; ,whenwehaving bin difobedi– ent roour parenrs ,our children neglect their duties towards us; and havingwrongedour inferi.ours~our fuperiours oppreffe·us ; or lavifh ofour tongues a-. ·gainll: others, are paid home w~th the !Courge of tongues,&c. Thus !Javidwas jufrly dealt with. See, lSam.I2. Io, I 1.. - 3 When wee are takenin the very acr,and feifed upon when we are finning. So fonM flying was fol– lowed wit!) a tempell. The Ifraelit'eJ murmuring for flefh,were plagued withthewrathofGod J while · it:was yet between their teeth, Numb. u. 33· Btl– ·. fh :. zzer caroufing in the golden vdfels of Gods houfe, wasfrightedwich·the hand WFidng'upon the wall. .Antiocht~J pofting toward /erufalem eokill and flay, was h~rrjbly plagued, 1 Maecab. 9· 4, 5· So .leroboamJ hand ftretched··out againtl: the Prophet-, driedup, r Kin,e;. q. 4· AFlax-w,oman, at lU4}lat · ,inFr.mce, drefHngberflax upon theSabbath, was burnt with her flax and two children~ At Paris gar.. ' den at a Beare-baitirrg, A nnq 1583• eight per– fons were f1aine, many hurt) by the breaking ofthe fcaffold. - . · 4 \tVhen out finne in it owne nitture commonly ·brings forth fuch a punifhment, as a cnrfed fruit. So .idlen(dfe, or wafrefulneffe, ordinarily be;: t~ beggery and want. Drunkeqnes, dcopG~s; fnufets, or fome painfull difrempers ; in old age at furthefl: ·; The ' .