'10 .SeeDav'ids re– mernbranc:er 69,&c. The Saintj~ the~no.fundeanneffe? weaknelfe, and filthy difea– fes ·; Immoderate carkmg, confumptions. 5 That which thou art lothell: toheare, and that which mofr hinders the refignation and fubmiffion of tby foule and body, and all thy courfes and carri– age heartily and muefervedly to thewill and word ofGod. See Davidrcafe, Pfal. 3 2. 6 That which thou firfr feelefr the fmart of the crolfe thy confcience chiefly checks thee for, and feizeth upon, on ic owne accord, as the only AchaYJ andaurhorofthy prefent mifery. So Io{epb1 bre– thren in their troubles call ro mind their crudtie cowards their brother, as caufe of their croffe. . 7 That which thou haft frill been afraid Iell: the ; Minifl:er would meddlewith, when thou wentett towardsacGnfcionable fermon. · ~tNow the Lord will mafrer itwith fieryaScorpion. · . In aword, Repentance is increafed in refpetl: of I Sightoffin. For through the glaffeofajHitl:ions, we fee more, and them more ugly. The clouds of outward troubles unite, as it were, and colletl: otir fight, and fo reprefent our fins more to the light; whereas the glifieringofprofperitie doth difperfe and dazle it. z Senfe. We are more apprehenfive . of the intolerable weight and burden offin, when · we are prefr but with a tafre of thofe _unmeafurab1e feas ofbitterneffe and forrowes which it infinitely merits at the hands ofGod. 3Sortow. It is the pro" · perry of truly penitent hearts to turne worldly griefe into godly forrow.. And though fome earth- 1 ly anguilh may firfr firike the heart and open th~ flood~gateofteares,and ! , ?hs,and groaf:Js,yet.the~ · IS