Bolton - Houston-Packer Collection BV824 .B65 1634

··TheSai(ttJs t-o be hisf0Uower, he directs his leifon to them,ver. •:. 2.5, 2 6, 27. .And tl;ere wevt,great m~ltitu4u with hzm,&c. The neceffide.ofthis refolutionheethere more fully fees outuato us in two parables. Hee that will ·– b~ild muH: firfi be able to calculate the charges, and hts meanes to defray them ; otherwife to begin)be– ing unable to make an endlwerebutto lay the foun.. dation ofhis difgrace and fcorne in the leGe ofhis cofi: and paines. APrince likewife that will under·, take awar muft have fnre triall ofhisown,andskill to difcover his enemies ll:rength: otherwife tobid himbattell, were but to incenfe himthe more, and _ thrufi: alittle into his hands todefeat himof all that he bath. Tne cooclufion ofthere inductions our Sa– ,viour repeats againe: folikewife whofoever denieth not himfelfe andforfaketh all; he cannot bemydit: · ciple. In which lhortcpeechwee-have this account ·made to our hands; that ere we expect to bringour ,fpirituaii building to any competent perfeftion, or fuccesfullyhoJdout inour.fpirituall warfare againft ·Sarhan, wemull: make over all intereft in our lives, or whatfoever is deare'untous: not thusprepared~ wee fhall but lay foundations which cannor hold -feige, ' fure to be:furprifed in the day ofbattell, af. ·ter wee have exafperatedthe venome and r~ncour ofthe old Serpent, our fworne enemie, by profef.. ·lingour felves to bee Chrifis fouldiers, and profe. ring to fight tinde-r his bJnners. _ · Let aman never talkeofprofeffion,beingaChri· ·tHan, o~hope ofheavefl, except hee be content f'or ·Chrifrs fake to deny .himfelfe; his worldly wif– dome,