foule-ex(l/ting humiliation. dome ;nacurall wit, his paffions, pleafures, carnall friends, acceptation with the worlc:l, eafe, o~ward · . eftare , liberrie, life, &c . and confiamly mdure (which is mofr difrafrefull to tldhand bl<?Od or to naturemoft ingenuous) thehate and.oppofirions, though ofdeart fi friends, the reproaches and revi· lingsofmen, who for any endowments either of art or nature are mofi: abject _in refpefr of them whc.m they revile. Now farietified croffes e1re wont to adde refolmion to felfedeniall, for in them wee , fee and·fiodby experi~nc<", that nocreated power · cancomfort ; and therefore wee are readier to re– , Hgne up our felves, renounGing the arme of flefh ·unto the rock oferernitie and our falvation. Now.our.newobedien~e is m1de more fruirfull byafflictions as the vineby pruning , lopping; and c-utting. r Inholincffe,rowards C: od, ina-careful] and confcionable carriage towards the fir£1: rabic ; ' a tafl:e wber~ofwee may takeby comparing mari– n.ers i nafiorme andarived a.tthe haven: .prifoners with.theaters, huria1Bwith banquets,. bed£ of fick– nefTe and expdbtion,ot. deJth, with fhengrh of youth andpmfperot'ls health: For as ~n theo~e fi~te wee fhall find for themofr part nothmgbut Imp,e- < tie~ prefumption, fecuritie, contempt of Godli- ,nefle, andfuch like · : fo i-n theo– ther, trouble, danger,anddifrrdie ,doemuchalt~r thecafe,you fbaiHindtherri bewailing their former fi.ns, crying for mercy, falling to prayer, \>·owing, apd·promHing upon deliverance much holineffe.-, &c. And as other parts and branches ofholindfe are hereby inlarged, fo efpet=iaily that fweet grace ·of _._13 '--I