;·~------=-==----~--------~~------~ foule-exalti~g humiliation. I7 E~amin:tition. Let us upon this occafion alfo try' our fpirituall e!l:ates, by the worke which-our af– flictions have wrought uponus.H thoube yet in the !l:ate ofnamre, thou feel eft no filch blef1ed -effects from chy affiictions,aslhave defcribed,nay,thou arr common1y worfe by them. For worldlings are wont, when they feizc upon them, togrow into open rage, or boile with inward fretting and im– patiencie ; tormenring themfelves more many/ ·timeswith their owne unruly paffions and !hug.. gling-agahtfr Gods vi firing hand-, than wi~h the I fmart and anguHh of- rh~ evills inflicted. If their . eks be opened tofee the curfedcaufes of their'crof-· :fes; r They ei1herfall inro horrible thoughts with Cain> that their fmart exceeds their linne, and that their punifhment is greate"r than they can beare. - 2' ·'-'Or elfe theyl1bour to' bringathicke skin over their galledconfciences by carnall delights, -and to frop their inward accufations with the loudclamor of'theirfporrs.Bu t ifthey lie:by it;andbe.hedgedby ,·'theextremityoftheir calamitiesfromworldlypar– times, then hav.ing no help in themfelvesnor hope · inGod, they flie fromhim, as from an incenfedenemie. And r either with saultheyrefort rowi1zards andwi[eamen, and feeke to the fievillfor re– . movall Gf the croffes which God hath inflicted. 2 Or being quire for!orn 1 they become their owne . han~Dmenwirhiud.u . So that the fame fire of af– fliction, 'tvhich purifies thefaithful! likegold~ from thedroffeof their corruptions, doth utterly con– titme the wicked "like firawor fhibbJe. The fame windoftrouble'whicl?·purgethGods good wheat, .B b blowc~ ------