_1_8·_. 1 TheSaints . ,• ~·-, )b!owes away the reprobate like chafe. The fame \anvile and hammer, that breakes and brufes in pee· f ces Gods elect veffeh, 'thlt being molten againe, . i they m:aybe framed anew for his ufe, doe make the · .I hlrd 'hearts of wkked men like .the nether mill- \ frone : the fame bitter potion which kfepeth gra1rious men in teruperance andfobrietie, doth make :! gr.aceleffe men the more intemperately to fwaiiow \ downe the impoifoned cups of worldly vanities. ·. ,See this true inPhartloh, Exod. 8. 1 5, &c. Jeroboam. 1 .Kin~. I 3· 8. , Alia~, z·chron. 28. 2 2• . The theefe · upon the croffe, Lure 1. 3· 39· See Apoc. ·16. 9· ; But inall there isnor this fenfibJe.worfening : con1 fider whether thou in truth and in fome meafure reape the fore-mentioned fruits. Ifthis be the conditionofall true converts in this 1 vale oheares, then let thein.be fo farre from being : 1 terrified and troubled for varierie of troubles and temptations , and continu~d fucceffion of croffes andheavy accidents ; that from thence·they may conc'Judeandtrowne their hearts with affgrance of beingfoils and not bafl:ards,aRd·.conceive ofthemas ·· romany certainand infalliblemarks, that theyare in the right way to heaven;throughwhich ifthe1walk ·buta lirtle·further with patience, they fhall difcriea crpwne ofglorie, which is their owne for,ever; of which, all the afflictions and prtffures laid upon the Saints from the aeatioll·to the worlds end, are in– tiriitelyunworthy. And in tpe mean time, let them ·fray their ,hearts with fuch canfiderations as tbefe; fweetning the bitterneJJe·of their affliCtions by a , comparativeconfideration, 1 Ofthofemany and .intolerable ·